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Our two sponsors for 2023

Without our sponsors, Norwich Cocktail Week wouldn't be possible. So help us say a huge thanks to our joint sponsors - Home Farm Gin and Norfolk Rum.

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Home Farm Gin

Home Farm Gin was founded in 2019 by Nev Leverett and Paul Dunnett with the simple shared goal of earning a living doing something they were passionate about. With over 40 years' experience in both hospitality and business development, they have a winning combination.

“We both enjoy a G&T, but creating our own and being able to share it with other like minded people is just magic”. - Nev and Paul

Norfolk Rum

This family-run business was founded in May 2020 just as the world was entering a pandemic. They set out to create a rum that everyone can enjoy. 


The result is a unique rum firmly rooted in Norfolk, using the land's unique offerings to flavour a superior base rum. Entirely produced in England, it never burns but creates a smooth feeling of warmth with every sip.


Finally, a rum that can convert anyone who claims "I don’t like rum".

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